Important tablet pc and internet considerations – BendixKing AV8OR 3D User Manual

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Menu Button



Activates a pre-loaded approach, if applicable.


Displays a set of buttons to display the weather.


Displays a set of dialog boxes to set up AV8OR 3D options.


Shuts down AV8OR 3D.


Displays ground speed.


Displays ground track.

3D View

Includes a standard attitude indicator.


MSL altitude in white, AGL in yellow, measured by your choice of GPS or

Flight Predictor

Displays aircraft location 9 seconds from now at current trajectory. (Time is

2D Chart

Moving map with variable scale and object filtering.

Status Indicators

Indicates battery charge for the INU and Samsung.


Displays latitude, longitude, and current time (local and UTC).


Displays messages about airspace and other alerts.

Flight Progress

Displays next FPL waypoint and nearest airport names, with bearings,
distances, and estimated time en route.

Interpreting Speed, Track, and Altitude




AV8OR 3D displays ground speed, because it is based on GPS data. It has no access to air speed.


AV8OR 3D has no compass. It uses WAAS-enabled GPS as its directional reference, so the track
is correct only when the aircraft is in motion. This is normal.

Note: This is ground track, which differs from aircraft heading due to wind.


On the altimeter tape, the white number in the center is the MSL altitude. Below it, the yellow
number is AGL. AV8OR 3D uses its terrain database to compute AGL. Unlike a radar altimeter,
this works at any altitude. AV8OR 3D measures altitude by your choice of GPS or Barometric. In
pressurized aircraft, the GPS altimeter must be used, because the barometric sensor in the INU
would read the cabin altitude.

Note: It is important to understand that GPS altitude varies considerably from barometric
pressure altitude as the aircraft climbs. This is normal and is due to temperature and pressure
changes that occur at increasing altitudes.

Important Tablet PC and Internet Considerations

• In addition to running AV8OR 3D, you can use the Samsung to run flight-planning software, view approach

plates, log checklists, read reference texts, and for other purposes.

• If you connect the Samsung to the Internet, use firewall, anti-virus, and anti-spyware software, but be

sure to turn all of them off before running AV8OR 3D. These software packages put a continuous load on
computer resources and introduce points of failure, which should be avoided in flight.

• We recommend not using Microsoft Windows Update on the AV8OR 3D Samsung. It causes unpredictable

changes to your Windows software.

The Windows power settings are factory set to never shut down, and hibernation is disabled. Do not
change these settings.


Warning: AV8OR 3D is not to be used as a primary navigation reference. It is designed to be an aid to situational awareness and to
provide a backup reference in case of electrical or primary instrument failure.