FaxBack Port Server - Manual User Manual
Page 36

Port Serve
account to
may only b
Each Conn
Servers sta
client is no
It is recom
takes for th
Send Routin
The Conne
route a fax
You can als
“@host” to
media gate
PSTN call:
Send Routin
also allow
uting Group
rs consult thei
o receive a fax.
be in one Rece
ection Server c
arting with the
ot logged in the
mended that b
he Port Server
ection Server a
x to. The Send
so use the Sen
o the dial string
eway. This is pa
simply append
ng Rule Ide
allow match c
number length
r Receive‐rout
A given Conne
ive‐routing Gro
can have a cos
least cost one
ere, they will tr
both the Accou
to find a logge
pplies a set of
Routing Rules
d Routing Rule
g, the Port Ser
articularly usef
d “@localhost”
riteria to be sp
h to be specifie
ing Group to d
ection Server m
st associated w
e. If they encou
ry the next‐low
unt‐login cost a
ed in client.
rules to the de
can also perfo
es to direct a fa
rver will send t
ful to keep cer
” to the dial str
pecified, restric
ed as well.
determine whic
may only be in
with it. Port Ser
unter an error,
west‐cost serve
and Receive‐ro
estination fax n
rm number ma
ax to a particul
he call via SIP t
rtain destinatio
ring, and the Po
cting the numb
ch Connection
one Receive‐ro
rvers will attem
are refused by
outing cost be t
number to det
anipulation an
lar media gate
to the specifie
on numbers fro
ort Server will
bers that the ru
Servers to use
outing Group.
mpt to connect
y the Connecti
the same to re
ermine which
d number bloc
Figure 8‐
way or IP addr
d host rather t
om needing to
send the call t
ule will apply t
e, to find a logg
A given Port S
to Connection
on Server, or if
educe the time
Port Server(s)
‐3: Manage Send R
ress. By append
than its configu
place an actua
o itself.
to. All identifie
ged in
f the
e it