FaxBack Port Server - Manual User Manual
Page 33

Chapter 8 – Fax Routing
Call Flow Overview
Inbound Faxes
1. The Media Gateway sends a SIP INVITE to one of the Port Servers to establish a call.
2. The Port Server consults its list of Connection Servers – the Receive‐routing Group.
3. The Port Server contacts the lowest‐cost Connection Server and passes it the call’s destination DID to
determine if that Connection Server has a logged in account who can take the call. If not, or in the event
of an error, the Port Server tries the next Connection Server in its list.
4. Once the account is found, the Connection Server notifies the account’s client that it has an inbound fax,
and gives it the access URL of the Port Server.
5. The client connects to the Port Server. The connection is complete, and the fax begins.
6. Upon completion, the Port Server either logs the CDR record to the database, or passes that data back to
the Connection Server for it to log.
Outbound Faxes
1. The client is already logged in to a Connection Server.
2. The client sends a request to the Connection Server to send a fax to a specific number.
3. The Connection Server consults its Send Routing table to determine which Port Server to send the fax.
Only the rules belonging to that account’s Rule Group are used. The number may be blocked if it matches
a block rule.
4. Having made its routing decision, the Connection Server gives the client the access URL of the Port Server.
Additionally, the Connection Server notifies the Port Server that it has authorized that particular fax.
5. The client connects to the Port Server and sends the fax.
6. The Port Server sends a SIP INVITE to the Media Gateway.
7. Upon completion, the Port Server either logs the CDR record to the database, or passes that data back to
the Connection Server for it to log.