FaxBack Port Server - Manual User Manual
Page 10

The Next b
The next sc
configure a
You can br
be able to
local LAN s
button will rem
creen will allow
a SIP Proxy as w
rowse the loca
discover Audio
segment, simp
main grayed ou
w you to config
well as a SIP Re
l LAN segment
oCodes and Cis
ly enter its hos
t until a valid P
gure which SIP
egistrar here.
t for VoIP Gate
sco devices on
stname or IP ad
Product Key is
P+T.38 media g
way devices by
the same loca
ddress in the G
entered. Once
gateway this Po
y clicking Brow
al network. If th
Gateway entry
Figure 4‐2
Figure 4‐3: Brows
e you have ente
ort Server will
wse. The Brows
he VoIP Gatew
: Configuring the
sing the Local Sub
ered the key, c
use. You may a
se feature will
way is not on th
SIP+T.38 Media G
net for a Media G