FaxBack Port Server - Manual User Manual
Page 26

Port Server
Name: A h
Admin pas
For “Group
Levels high
Log fax dev
an XML for
Ti session 5 This is only Enabled: T r Properties human‐readabl ssword, Server ps”: please see c log level: The her than Brief a vice info: Whe rmat. This inclu on will appear i ime = "2008‐07‐ 587b]DorZXdMG y needed for d This Port Serve m being routed Here). Use this erver, monitor all faxes have c oIP Gateway is terrupt inboun s e name for thi r password: Se e Login and Rec e level of detail are only neede en enabled, the udes some use n an ‐16T11:24:00 iagnostic purp r will only acce through this P s option in pre the Send/Rece completed and s configured to d service eithe is Connection S ee Server Passw ceive Routing G to log to …\NS ed for diagnost e Port Server w eful troublesho > tag, for exam 0.752" Proces ya" > xml data oses and will c ept new faxes w ort Server. The paration for m eive Fax graph d taking this Po o route traffic t er. Server. words on page Groups on pag SPortServer\L tic purposes an will log the com mple: ss = "PortServ
faxes from
(486 Busy
the Port Se
Trunk or V
will not int
ooting informat
cause log files t
when enabled
e Port Server w
maintenance or
. Wait for the s
ort Server offlin
to an alternate
e 35
Logs ‐ NSPSP
nd will cause lo
mpleted fax’s C
tion such as V2
to grow rapidly
. Disabling the
will respond to
r to take this Po
sending and re
ne will not inte
e server on bus
og files to grow
CAS Tag List in t
21 and ECM er
"Fax device
Port Server w
new inbound
ort Server offli
eceiving counts
errupt outboun
sy, taking this P
w rapidly.
the above log f
rror counts. Th
e info for
ill prevent new
faxes with a “b
ne. After disab
s to reach zero
nd service. If th
Port Server off
file in
he SIP