FaxBack Port Server - Manual User Manual
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Chapter 2 – Server Overview
The NET SatisFAXtion IP Port Server enables telecom service providers to offer e‐fax services to their customers. It
is robust and highly scalable up to DS3 (672 ports) densities. Its modular nature allows it to be adapted to fit nearly
any network architecture.
What role does the Port Server play in the existing VoIP infrastructure?
Port Server Overview
Figure 2‐1: Overview of the NET SatisFAXtion IP Port Server Architecture
There are three major components of the NET SatisFAXtion IP Port Server. They are the Connection Server, the
Port Server and the HTTPS Proxy. The components communicate between themselves using HTTP so they can be
installed either all on the same server, distributed across multiple servers on the same LAN, or even geographically
distributed across a WAN.