FaxBack Port Server - Manual User Manual
Page 14

One or more RADIUS servers may be specified. The Port Server will use RADIUS calls to authenticate users, identify
ownership of DIDs, and for call logging (CDRs). Please see the Port Server RADIUS Support document for more
information about implementing RADIUS. The following tables may be implemented with RADIUS:
• AccountsDb
• ReceiveDb
• BillingDb
Note that using RADIUS does not completely remove the need for SQL. The following tables will still be stored in
• SndRoutingDb
• ServersDb
External Provider DLL
An external DLL may be specified, which the Port Server will call to authenticate users, identify ownership of DIDs,
and for call logging (CDRs). Please refer to the appropriate documentation to develop your own external provider
In order to provide security for Internet faxing, NET SatisFAXtion IP Port Server provides an ASP application that
proxies communication between the clients and the Port Server. The HTTPS proxy may be installed on an IIS server
either running on the Port Server itself, or on a separate server.
When using an HTTPS proxy server, your clients will be connecting to a URL similar to:
Prior to installation, the Web Site you are using must have an SSL certificate, and be accessible via https. It is
advisable to require SSL communications. For using self‐signed SSL certificates for testing, please see Chapter 12 –
Testing, Validation & Troubleshooting, page 42.
• Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) with :
World Wide Web Service
ASP.NET support
• ASP.NET 2.0 must be an allowed Web Service Extension.
Creating the nsps Application Directory
If you are installing the HTTPS proxy on a server that doesn’t have the Port Server installed, copy the proxy
application directory from the Port Server server. It can be found (by default) in
Files\NSPortServer\Http Proxy\