FaxBack Port Server - Manual User Manual
Page 18

Target = "conserv" > http://conserver.netsatisfaxtion.com:60/HttpService.api
Target = "portserv" > http://portserver.netsatisfaxtion.com:61/HttpService.api
Simply update these URLs to reflect the internal names/IP addresses and ports of the Connection Server and Port
Server. These names need only be resolvable from the HTTPS Proxy server.
Note: The host names used in the proxy routing table must match exactly the host names and port numbers
specified in the Port Server Setup wizard. If they do not match, then Setup will be unable to identify the correct
Client Access URLs, and will display “*** UNABLE TO LOCATE PROXY URL! ***”. For example if the routing table
uses “localhost:60” in the Connection Server URL, set the Connection Server’s Http host name to “localhost” and
Port number to “60” as well.
SQL Server
NET SatisFAXtion Port Server uses the Microsoft .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server, and so it can only
connect to Microsoft SQL Server versions 7.0 or newer. Specifically, SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005, Microsoft
Desktop Engine (MSDE), and SQL Server 2005 Express are supported.
The SQL Server may be installed on the same server or remotely. NET SatisFAXtion Port Server can use an existing
database, and has simple built‐in methods for creating the databases and tables as needed.
SQL Server Remote Connections
All “on site” Connection and Port Servers will need to connect to the SQL Server because it is used to store most
configuration information. Insure each system can connect to the SQL Server when implementing a multiple server
Port Server configuration.
SQL Server Security and Required Permissions
NET SatisFAXtion Port Server can use either SQL Server authentication (username and password) or Windows
Authentication (if on a domain).
SQL Server Authentication
The simplest authentication method is SQL Server authentication. Simply create a login on the SQL Server and then
specify this login and password in the Connection Server’s Hardware Setup.
Windows Authentication
Windows Authentication may be used when both NET SatisFAXtion Port Server and the SQL Server are on the same
domain or if there is sufficient trust between them.