Screen explanation – Vernier DataMate Guidebook User Manual
Page 49

DataMate Guidebook
Screen Explanation
This screen usually appears when the user is running DataMate
and one of the DataMate subprograms has been deleted from the
calculator memory. (This applies to the TI-73, 82, 83, 86, 89, 93,
and 92 Plus). All of the subprograms must be present in order for
DataMate to function properly. (All related programs begin with
Reset the RAM on the calculator, then transfer the DataMate
program from LabPro to the calculator and begin again.
This screen appears on a TI-83 Plus calculator when one of the
variables accessed by the DataMate app has been archived in the
calculator memory. These variables should not be archived:
lists: L1 - L11, list C, list M
real: A – Z
string: Str0 - Str6
Go into Memory Management and unarchive any of the above
You have attempted a calculation outside the valid range. The
most common cause of this error is trying to perform a power
curve fit on Time Graph data. In Time Graph, DataMate collects
a data point at time x=0. When the curve fit equation tries to
divide by the 0, this error occurs.
The easiest way to correct this is to use the SELECT REGION
option to eliminate the x=0 point from the graph. Then try the
power curve fit option again.
The calculator tried to draw a graph but was not able to use the
window settings. This problem can occur if you collect data and
the data does not change (for example, the temperature does not
change). If DataMate tries to autoscale the graph of this data
(which it usually does), the calculator may not be able to set the
y-axis scale.
Select quit, then recollect the data. Make certain that the data
changes for DataMate to graph correctly.
This screen can appear when running DataMate on a TI-89/
89 Titanium/92/92 Plus. It is caused by a loss of communications
between the calculator and the LabPro and usually means there is
a problem with the link port on the calculator.
Check that the cable is securely connected to the calculator and
the LabPro, then restart the program.