Spectro pro overview – Vernier Spectro Pro User Manual

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Spectro Pro


Spectro Pro Overview

The Spectro Pro user’s guide is divided into four main sections: This
Overview, a How To section, a Teacher’s Guide, and the Spectro Pro
Reference. This Overview concludes with a “Quick Reference” Section
for the eager. Instructors using Spectro Pro in the classroom will want to
read the Teacher’s Guide for helpful tips. The How To section explains
common operations with Spectro Pro. You can read it in any order. The
Reference Section explains the function of all the menu items and how
to use them. On-line help is available: Choose Help from the Apple
menu (Macintosh) or the Help menu (Windows).

Initial software installation and the connection of the interface are
explained in the Teacher’s Guide. Refer to the troubleshooting chart in
Appendix A if you have problems. Detailed information for network use
can be found in Appendix B. Appendix C reviews the interfaces that can
be used with Spectro Pro, and how to choose among them. A list of
spectrophotometers compatible with Spectro Pro is in Appendix D.

Some familiarity with the use of Macintosh or Windows computers and
application software is assumed in this manual.

Spectro Pro has been designed by Gretchen Stahmer DeMoss, Dan
Holmquist, Jessica Fink, and Diana Gordon of Vernier Software &
Technology, and by Stephen Beardslee and Mary Dygert at the Center
for Science and Mathematics Teaching at Tufts University. The design
was implemented by Stephen Beardslee, Mary Dygert and Gretchen
Stahmer DeMoss.

Spectro Pro is copyrighted by Vernier Software & Technology and Tufts
University. You are permitted to make as many copies as you wish of the
Spectro Pro software and the User's for use in your own high school,
middle school, or college department. You may use Spectro Pro on
networks within your school or department at no extra cost. Our site
license also permits your students to load a copy of Spectro Pro on their
home computers.

The Spectro Pro manual is copyright ©2001 by Vernier Software &
Technology. John Gastineau wrote this manual, with revisions by Diana
Gordon. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and Win32s are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft, Inc.
