Analyze data – Vernier Spectro Pro User Manual
Page 18

How To
Spectro Pro
Analyze Data
As you move the mouse cursor around the graph the coordinates of the
point directly under the cursor point appear in the rightmost area of the
status bar at the bottom of the main Spectro Pro window.
You may click, hold, and drag the mouse cursor from one point to
another on the graph to get the delta between two points. The horizontal
and vertical distance (
x and
y) between the two points is displayed
next to the mouse cursor position in the rightmost area of the status bar
at the bottom of the main Spectro Pro window.
Choose Examine from the Analyze menu.
A floating box will appear, accompanied by the numerical value at the
mouse pointer position. As the mouse cursor is moved across the graph,
the readout will change and the data table will scroll to highlight the
associated numerical values.
To draw tangent lines and read the slope of those lines, choose
Tangent from the Analyze menu (or click on the tangent line
button on the toolbar) and move the pointer to the place where you want
the slope. A floating box will appear, containing the numerical value of
the data and the slope of the tangent line at the pointer position. The
number of points used in calculating the tangent may be set by choosing
Options from the Experiment menu.
Often you will want to compare two similar runs of collected data. When
you get the first useful run, choose Store Latest Run from the Data
menu. Now you may take additional data and the stored run will not be
lost. The data will be retained through subsequent data collections, and
can be displayed or hidden as desired. Stored runs are numbered
sequentially. Any number of runs can be stored, and will be saved when
you save an experiment to disk.
The Data menu has four more relevant functions. Hide Run will
temporarily remove the selected run from the graph, Show Run will put
it back, Rename Run allows changing the displayed name of a selected
stored run, and About Run shows the timestamp of the data and allows
you to enter notes about the run. Using the Hide/Show functions you can
superimpose any desired set of runs.
To fit a straight line to your data, select the desired portion of the
data by dragging across it. Next, choose Linear Fit from the
Analyze menu (or click on the linear regression button on the toolbar). A
straight line will be fit to the indicated data, and the slope and intercept
information will be displayed in a floating box. Displayed precision can
be adjusted by double-clicking on the floating box to open a new dialog
To interpolate between data points on a line, click on the
Interpolate button on the toolbar. To interpolate between data
points on a curve, first fit a function to a range of data. choose
Interpolate from the Analyze menu. The floating box for the curve fit
will expand to show the coordinates of points along the fitted curve.
Move the mouse pointer to the place you want to interpolate.
To fit more complex functions to your data choose Automatic
Read values from cursor
Read delta values between
two points
Read values from graph
Display tangent lines
Compare runs
Fit a line to data
(linear regression)
Interpolate between points
Fit functions to data