Spectro pro menus – Vernier Spectro Pro User Manual

Page 34

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Spectro Pro Reference


Spectro Pro

Spectro Pro Menus

(Macintosh only)

Choose this item to display information about Spectro Pro. The version
number and copyright notice are displayed.

Choose New… to open the startup window and data table for the
appropriate experiment setup. All prior data, and configuration
information will be lost.

Choose Open to open a previously stored experiment file or a sample
file. In addition to standard open-file dialog features, there is a check
box which when filled will cause files to be opened as read-only. A read-
only file can be used for data collection, but if the user clicks or chooses
Save an error message will be displayed, protecting the original file. A
read-only file can be saved under a new file name using Save As…. The
default is to open files as read-only.

Close closes the current experiment without quitting Spectro Pro.

Save will record the current experiment to disk. If the experiment has
not been saved before, Save is equivalent to Save As. If the experiment
has been previously saved, the experiment file is updated.

This will save the current experiment setup including any data in the
data table. Opening this file later will restore Spectro Pro to its current

Use this feature to import data saved with the Export Data option also
found in the File menu. These data exist in a tab-delimited text format,
and are imported into the Latest data run. Each file has a specific
structure that includes a time stamp, data column names, short names,
units, and data. If you make changes to the exported file, be sure to
preserve the original structure. After choosing this option, select the
appropriate file.

Apple menu

About Spectro Pro…

File menu





Save As…

Import Data