Applications & using presets – Rane ECS RaneWare User Manual

Page 13

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RW Manual-13

In this application, Port Inputs must be Selected by the

Room Controller. The laptop is only used for the initial
system setup. It is then removed and the Room Controller
assumes operation. The Device Control Language for pro-
gramming the Controller begins on page RW Manual-24.

Preset Memories
Memory 1 - Room Controller operational mode. In this mode

all Port Outputs have their Input select checkboxes cleared
and all Mic Inputs are

Active and set to Automatic opera-

tion. This is performed by selecting the Port Memory
settings from Preset Memory 1 at start-up, allowing the
Room Controller to know the start-up condition of ECS.

Memory 2 - This connects the Conference Room (Port 1) to

the ECM 64e (Port 6).

Memory 3 - This connects the Conference Room (Port 1) to

the Codec (Port 2).

Memory 4 - This allows the VHS (Port 4 Input) to be heard at

the program speakers (Port 1 Output).

Memory 5 - This bridges the Conference Room (Port 1),

Codec (Port 2) and ECM 64e (Port 6) together.

Memory 16 - Preconditions the Port Inputs and the Mic Inputs

for alignment.

Room Controller

In the Start-Up of the Room Controller, Preset 1 must be

recalled to set the system defaults. If the Input and Output
Levels need to be restored to their defaults, send the Program
Channel From Memory command with CHNUM set to 0.

If the Input and Output Levels are to be saved as they

were last set, send the Program Channel From Memory
command with CHNUM set to 1. If just the Mic settings need
to be saved, send the same command with CHNUM set to 2.

Chairman control is performed setting the

Near Signal

Offset to 101 and forcing a Mic On. This prohibits other
Mics from Gating On. See the ECB 62e Device Control
Language on page RW Manual-24.


Like all RaneWare products, ECS has a working Memory

and 16 stored Memories. Working Memory is the operational
Memory. An actual change to a level is made in working
Memory. If a Memory is recalled, it is placed in working
Memory. Any changes to working Memory will not affect the
Memory it was recalled from. One of the great features of
ECS is its ability to recall a partial Memory using a Room
Controller. ECS Memories are divided into five sections:

1. Program device (All Memory)
2. Program Port settings only
3. Program Mic settings only
4. Program Mixer settings only
5. Program Mics and Mixer settings only
Partial Memories are recalled using the CHNUM setting

in the RW 232 command Program Channel from Memory.
This feature is beneficial for initializing the system and
setting presets for different room configurations without
affecting audio levels. Partial Memories cannot be called
from RaneWare.

For more system examples, download “Distance Learning

Applications for ECS” at

System 1: Typical Video
Conference Room

As an introduction, this example illustrates a relatively

simple ECS with 8 mics, a video codec, digital hybrid, 2
VCRs, and a telephone connection. The system block diagram
is shown on the following page, the point-to-point wiring of
the audio and control signals is following, and the corre-
sponding RaneWare computer screens are on the following

Rane Equipment
1 ECB 62e Base
1 ECM 82eA Mixer with Echo Canceller
1 ECM 64e Conference System with DH 1e Digital Hybrid
1 RPD 1 Programmable Diagnostics Unit

RaneWare Setup

RaneWare allows saving all system parameters to disk.

The file for this system is called AP1V2.ECS, located on the
RaneWare disk. This file has six preset Memories. The
RaneWare windows on page RW Manual-16 show the saved
parameters for Memory 1.

Perform the Mic and Port setups on page RW Manual-21

before loading this file. After loading, select Preset Memory 1
to set the system to its default. Loading this file into the ECB
62e is all that is required for most systems.

To load a system file: Select

Device > Restore

Memories from File. Loading files into the ECB 62e causes it
to restart.

To load Port names: Select

Device > Restore Names

from File.