Compaq COBOL AAQ2G1FTK User Manual

Page 605

background image

-Ldir flag, 1–12, 1–20
ld linker

creating shared object libraries, 1–21 to 1–22
functions performed, 1–19
locating undefined symbols using nm, 1–19
messages, 1–22, 1–23
relationship to cob command, 1–19
relationship to cobol command, 1–19, 1–27
restrictions creating shared libraries, 1–22
sample use with cobol command, 1–9, 1–15
specifying object libraries, 1–19 to 1–21
specifying shared object libraries, 1–22

-L flag, 1–12, 1–20
LIB$ESTABLISH routine, 13–15

user-written condition handler (ex.), 13–17

LIB$INITIALIZE problem, B–28
lib$K_* symbols, 13–21
LIB$REVERT routine, 13–15
LIB$_* symbols, 13–21

condition value symbols, 13–15
default user object modules, 1–42
object modules, 1–41
return status, 13–15
system, 1–43
system-supplied object module libraries, 1–42
user-created object module libraries, 1–41

LINAGE clause, 6–8

differences, B–17

handling large values, B–17
using with WRITE statement, B–17

programming a 20-line logical page (ex.), 10–22
usage, 10–14

LINAGE-COUNTER special register, 10–14
Linage-file report

bottom margin, 10–13
footing area, 10–13
20-line logical page (fig.), 10–20
28-line logical page (fig.), 10–15
logical page, 10–13
logical page areas (fig.), 10–13
makeup, 10–12
page advancing, 10–14
page body, 10–13
page-overflow condition, 10–15
printing a, 10–19
top margin, 10–13

LINE-COUNTER option, 10–30
Line sequential file

creating, 6–26, 6–27
extending, 6–49
organization of, 6–5

advantages, 6–3
disadvantages, 6–3

organization of (fig.), 6–5
processing, 6–27
reading, 6–37
record format, 6–8

Line sequential file (cont’d)

rewriting records in, 6–48
specifying file organization and access mode,


updating, 6–48
writing, 6–28
writing records from, 6–28


and USE procedures; effect on optimization,


description, 12–12
example, 12–12

LINK command, 1–39

See also LINK qualifiers
qualifiers, 1–40
syntax, 1–39



example of, 1–47
hints to avoid them, 1–47

messages, 1–47

format, 1–47
interpreting, 1–47

Linking programs, 1–19, 1–39 to 1–47

See also LINK command
on OpenVMS Alpha, 1–39
on Tru64 UNIX, 1–19
using object module libraries, 1–41
using shareable images, 1–43
using system-supplied object module libraries,


using user-created object module libraries,


with non Compaq COBOL modules, 1–40

LINK qualifiers

/INCLUDE, object module library, 1–41
list of, 1–40
/SHARE, 1–43, 1–46
shareable images, 1–43

/LIST, 1–33, C–18
-list flag, 1–12
Listing files

compiler, 1–38
contained program, 1–38
debugging programs, 1–38
separate compilation, B–15

Literal phrases

number of

compiler implementation specifications,


Literal subscripts

accessing tables, 4–13
definition, 4–13

Locking records

See Protecting records
