Compaq COBOL AAQ2G1FTK User Manual

Page 41

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Developing Compaq COBOL Programs

1.2 Developing Programs on Tru64 UNIX

An example


command line would be:

% cobol -v test.cob pas.o

This command specifies the following:



flag displays the compilation and link passes with their arguments

and files, including the libraries passed to



The file


is passed to the Compaq COBOL compiler for compilation.

The resulting object file is then linked.

The object file


is passed directly to the linker.

As an additional example, you might find that your compiler command lines are
getting rather long, as shown in the following example:

% cobol -rsv foreign_extensions -flagger high_fips -warn information zeroes.cob

To work around this, you may truncate compiler flag options (arguments) to their
shortest unambiguous form, as follows:

% cobol -rsv for -flagger high -warn info zeroes.cob COBOL Command Flags

Flags to the


command affect how the compiler processes a file. The

simplest form of the


command is often sufficient.

If you compile parts of your program (compilation units) using multiple


commands, flags that affect the execution of the program should be used
consistently for all compilations, especially if data will be shared or passed
between procedures.

For a complete list of Compaq COBOL flags, see Table 1–2. For more information
about the Compaq COBOL flags, access the reference (man) page for COBOL at
the Tru64 UNIX system prompt. For example:


man cobol

Developing Compaq COBOL Programs 1–11