4 reformat error messages – Compaq COBOL AAQ2G1FTK User Manual

Page 488

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Using the REFORMAT Utility
14.3 Terminal-to-ANSI Format Conversion

is a text processor and does not perform the level of checking required by lines
such as these. You detect this error during a compile operation.

14.4 REFORMAT Error Messages

If any of your responses to the prompts are incorrect, REFORMAT displays
error messages. It replaces the parentheses and the parenthetical text with the
appropriate format type you specified.

REFORMAT - Error in opening (ANSI or terminal) format input file:

(ANSI or terminal) format input file spec:

The system could not open the input file; either the file is not on the specified
device or you typed the file name incorrectly.

The default device is SYS$DISK on OpenVMS systems; it is


on Tru64

UNIX systems.

To continue processing, examine the input file specification and type a corrected
version. To process another file, type a new input file specification. To end
execution, type Ctrl/Z (on OpenVMS and Windows NT systems) or CTRL/D (on
Tru64 UNIX systems).

REFORMAT - Error in opening (ANSI or terminal) format output file:

(ANSI or terminal) format output file spec:

The system could not open the output file. An incorrectly typed file specification
usually causes this error.

The default device is SYS$DISK on OpenVMS systems; it is ./ on Tru64 UNIX

To continue, examine the output file specification and type a corrected version. To
end execution, type Ctrl/Z (on OpenVMS systems) or CTRL/D (on Tru64 UNIX

REFORMAT - (ANSI or terminal) format input file is empty

(ANSI or terminal) format input file spec:

The system opened an empty input file. To continue, type a new input file
specification. To end execution, type Ctrl/Z (on OpenVMS systems) or CTRL/D (on
Tru64 UNIX systems).

REFORMAT - Error in reading (ANSI or terminal) format input file
REFORMAT - Reformating aborted
REFORMAT - n (ANSI or terminal) COBOL

source records converted to

(ANSI or terminal) format

REFORMAT - ANSI-to-terminal format conversion mode [ Y or N ]?

REFORMAT failed to read a record from the input file. This error ends the
conversion process. REFORMAT closes both files and displays the number of
converted input records.

You can convert another file, or you can end the session by typing Ctrl/Z (on
OpenVMS systems) or CTRL/D (on Tru64 UNIX systems).

REFORMAT - Error in writing (ANSI or terminal) format output file
REFORMAT - Reformatting aborted
REFORMAT - n (ANSI or terminal) COBOL source records converted to

(ANSI or terminal) format

REFORMAT - ANSI-to-terminal format conversion mode [ Y or N ]?

REFORMAT failed in an attempt to write an output record. It ends execution
and closes both files.

14–4 Using the REFORMAT Utility