B.3 command-line qualifiers (options or flags) – Compaq COBOL AAQ2G1FTK User Manual

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Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX and Compaq COBOL Compatibility and Migration
B.2 Differences in Extensions and Other Features

A qualifier (/FLOAT, on the OpenVMS Alpha operating system) that selects
IEEE or VAX floating-point data types for single- and double-precision data

On Windows NT and the Tru64 UNIX operating system, only IEEE floating
point is supported.

A flag or qualifier (/INCLUDE or


) to control where the compiler

searches for files for simple COPY statements.

A flag or qualifier (/MATH_INTERMEDIATE or


) to

specify the intermediate data type for extended arithmetic precision and/or

A flag or qualifier (/OPTIMIZE=TUNE or


) that improves optimization

through instruction scheduling, and a choice of levels of optimization (with

A flag or qualifier (/RESERVED_WORDS or


) to recognize or not

to recognize additional COBOL reserved words defined by the X/Open
Portability Guide
, words that are foreign extensions, or selected words that
are reserved as defined by the draft ANSI Standard for COBOL.

A qualifier (/TIE, on the OpenVMS Alpha operating system) to generate code
that allows native OpenVMS Alpha images to call translated VAX images and
translated VAX images to call native OpenVMS Alpha images.

COMP-5 and COMP-X as synonyms for COMP.



Compaq COBOL does not contain the following Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS
VAX features:

The DECset/LSE Program Design Facility, the /DESIGN qualifier, design
comments, or pseudocode placeholders.

VFU-CHANNEL. Because Compaq COBOL does not support VFU-
CHANNEL, it provides no direct support for VFU and VFP (Vertical
Forms Unit utilities and Vertical Forms Printing).

Compaq COBOL includes the following:

Support for the relevant subset of the features in the Compaq COBOL for
OpenVMS VAX /STANDARD=V3 qualifier. See Section B.3.3.

Support for file status values that are compatible with Compaq COBOL for
OpenVMS VAX Version 5.1 or higher. These differ from those of Compaq
COBOL for OpenVMS VAX Version 5.0 and previous versions.

B.3 Command-Line Qualifiers (Options or Flags)

Sections B.3.1, B.3.2, and B.3.3 compare the Compaq COBOL and Compaq
COBOL for OpenVMS VAX command-line qualifiers and the equivalent command-
line flags (options) on Windows NT and Tru64 UNIX operating systems. For
complete information about Compaq COBOL command-line qualifiers on the
OpenVMS Alpha operating system, invoke the online HELP facility: Type



at the OpenVMS Alpha system prompt. For complete information on the

flags, see the man page: Type

man cobol

at the Tru64 UNIX system prompt. For

B–4 Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX and Compaq COBOL Compatibility and Migration