Compaq COBOL AAQ2G1FTK User Manual

Page 40

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Developing Compaq COBOL Programs
1.2 Developing Programs on Tru64 UNIX

Compaq recommends that you not name a Compaq COBOL program ‘‘main.’’

If you have a C routine named ‘‘main,’’ you can work around this problem by
having the ‘‘main’’ routine directly call the Compaq COBOL initialization routine,
cob_init. The cob_init routine interface (in C) is as follows:

void cob_init (

/* init the RTL */

int argc,

/* argument count */

char **argv,

/* arguments */

char **envp

/* environment variable pointers */ )

1.2.2 Compiling a Compaq COBOL Program on Tru64 UNIX

Compilation does the following for you:

Detects errors in your program syntax

Displays compiler messages on your terminal screen

Generates machine language instructions from valid source statements

Groups the instructions into an object module for the linker


To compile your program, use the



The COBOL Command Driver



command invokes a compiler driver that is the actual user interface to

the Compaq COBOL compiler. It accepts a list of command flags and file names
and causes one or more processors (compiler, assembler, or linker) to process each

After the Compaq COBOL compiler processes the appropriate files to create