Cabletron Systems 2000 User Manual

Page 193

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Hard Errors 5-4
Help button 1-10
Help Menu 2-9
HSIM-A6DP 2-62, 7-1
HSIM-F6 6-6, 6-11
HSIM-W87 8-1
hysteresis 3-10, 3-28


I/F Summary

interface performance statistics 2-21

I/F Summary window 2-21
IEEE 802.1Q 1-1, 2-60, 2-61
IF Number 3-5
IF Type 3-5
ifInErrors 3-4
ifInNUcast 3-4
ifInOctets 3-4
ingress list 2-62
ingress list conÞguration 2-67
Interface Detail window 2-23
Interface Statistics window 2-23
IP address 1-9, 2-3
IP Fragmentation 6-17
IP Priority ConÞguration 8-6
IP Priority Queue 8-7
Isolated 6-3, 6-6


Jabbers 4-4


Kilobits 3-4


LEC 2-62
Line 8-5
Line Loop 8-3, 8-5
Line Status 8-3, 8-5
Line Voltage 2-47
Link 2-14
Link State Traps 5-21
LNK (Linked) 2-14
Load 2-22
Local 6-6
Local Management 2-64
Local-Timing 8-3

Location 1-9
lockStatusChanged (trap) 5-24
Log Events 3-23
Log/Trap 3-5
Logical Status 2-21
Logical view 2-7
Loop-Timing 8-3
Lost Frames 6-11


MAC Address 1-9, 2-3, 6-10
MAC Based Priority ConÞguration

window 2-54

creating MAC based priority entries 2-54

MAC Path 6-5
MAC State 6-3
Master 6-6
Max Entries 8-6
menu structure 2-4
MIB components 2-17
MIB II variables 3-4
MIB Tools 2-64
MIB Tree 3-17, 3-25
mouse usage 1-7
Multicast (Non-Unicast) 2-24, 2-62


N/A (not available) 2-15
network usage 5-1
newSourceAddress (trap) 5-23
NLK (Not Linked) 2-14
No Loop 8-3, 8-5
No recent test 2-47
Node Class 6-10
Non-Op 6-3
Non-Op-Dup 6-4
Non-Unicast (Multicast) 2-24, 4-8
Not Available 6-3
Number 6-9
Number of MACs 6-5
Number of Nodes 6-8


OFF 2-13, 2-14
OK button 1-10
ON 2-13, 2-14
OOW Collisions 5-18
Out-of-Window (OOW) Collisions 5-4, 5-11