Rice Lake RL9000TWM-HT Series User Manual
Page 6

6. Lower the corner or side of the vessel carefully onto the top plate. The force of a
vessel weighing several tons can damage a load cell if dropped only a fraction of
an inch.
7. With the top plate positioned approximately level, mark holes for attaching the
top plate to the vessel’s mounting surface. Drill holes and attach top plate loosely
to vessel with suitable fasteners.
8. Repeat steps 4-10 for the mounting assemblies at the remaining corners or sides.
9. Verify that there is no initial misalignment between the base plate and top plate.
10. Attach the base plates to the foundation using suitable anchors for concrete or by
bolting or welding to a steel structure or subplate. Verify that the base plates are as
level as possible. They should be fully supported. Shimming is not recommended.
11. Check that the top plates are no more than ±.5° out or level. Shim if necessary and
fully tighten mounting bolts.
12. To achieve equal load distribution, fi nal height adjustments can be made with shims
between the top plate loading bracket and the weighing vessel. The variation in
load among the cells should be no more than 20%. The load distribution can be
checked accurately by exciting each load cell in turn and measuring the output
with a voltmeter.
13. Consider using a bead of fl exible caulk between the load cell and the base on lighter
capacity assemblies. This will prevent debris from lodging between the load cell
and the base and causing repeatability or accuracy problems.
14. The top plate must move freely. The RL9000 TWM come directly from the fac-
tory correctly assembled and locktighted and should not require adjustment. If
the RL9000 TWM has been disassembled for any reason, perform the following:
a. Remove the large center screw
b. Align the convex load disc and the load cell with the center hole in the base
c. Locktight and install the large screw and continue to turn until the rubber o-
just contacts the convex load disc
d. Back the screw off 1/4 turn. The screw provides lateral restraint and lift off
protection. Never remove it or back it off more than the suggested amount.