Rice Lake MSI6260cs Digital Crane Scale Software Upgrade User Manual

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10.3 Select (b) Backup data NOW!

10.4 Select (y) Store current data to ROM NOW!

10.5 Menu will indicate, Please Wait… momentarily and then revert to Main Menu.

Procedure is now complete. Scale must be calibrated, reference

the MSI-6260CS Cal. Procedure.

***** Data Backup *****

(1) Backup data after every cal: Yes
(2) Restore from ROM every power up: No
(3) Restore from ROM including Slave and Math loadcells: Enabled

(b) Backup data NOW!

(r) Retrieve backup data NOW!
(ESC) Exit

***** Data Backup to ROM *****

(y) Store current data to ROM NOW!

(ESC) Exit

Calibration data in long term storage
will be over-written.

Only take this action if your scale is
currently calibrated and operating

Improper use of this action may result
in the need to fully re-calibrate your

Press (y) to take this action.
Press (ESC) to exit without changes.