0 preventative maintenance – Rice Lake MotoWeigh In-Motion Checkweighers and Conveyor Scales User Manual

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Motoweigh Dynamic In-Motion Checkweighing Installation Manual


Preventative Maintenance

To maximize performance of the Motoweigh dynamic in-motion checkweighing system a few simple steps will

help extend the life of the product and will maintain performance.

Grease all bearings on the conveyor system

Check the belt tension and alignment of the conveyors periodically to ensure maximum scale and

conveyor performance. Belt tension can be adjusted on the idler end if needed.

Check the setscrews on the driveshafts.

Once the numbers are set in the integrator (DSCI), keep those numbers documented in a manual that is

accessible to maintenance personnel at all times so they can be re-entered if necessary.

Photo eyes and reflectors must be kept clean and free of debris. They should also be properly aligned for

optimum scale performance.

The conveyor equipment is wash-down rated, but extreme water pressure should be avoided around the

electrical components of the unit.