About this manual, 0 introduction and theory of operation, 1 hardware requirements – Rice Lake MotoWeigh In-Motion Checkweighers and Conveyor Scales User Manual

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Introduction and Theory of Operation


About This Manual

This manual is intended for use by service technicians

responsible for installing and servicing the

Motoweigh Dynamic In-Motion Checkweighing

Operation of the Motoweigh Integrator is explained in

the integrator manual, PN 108790.
Configuration and calibration of the Dynamic

Conveyor Scale Integrator can be accomplished using

serial commands or the indicator front panel keys. See



Installation Manual, PN 67887, for more

information about configuration methods.

The Motoweigh dynamic in-motion
checkweighing system has many moving
parts so great care must be used when
working on the unit. Procedures are to be
performed by qualified service personnel


A u t h o r i z e d d i s t r i b u t o r s a n d t h e i r

employees can view or download this

manual from the Rice Lake Weighing

S y s t e m s d i s t r i b u t o r s i t e a t



Introduction and Theory of Operation

The Motoweigh dynamic in-motion checkweighing system is a continuous process weighing instrument which

can be used for product sortation and data collection. the system averages the weights on the scale, displays the

averaged weight, and sends the average weight information out using the DSCI (Dynamic Conveyor Scale

Integrator) using a serial port.
The system utilizes the following main components.

A scale merged with a conveyor and drive mechanism.

Two photo eyes to trigger start and stop operation.

An integrator (920i HMI) linked and programmed to average the weight signal at the rate of 60 times per

second between the start and stop photo eye inputs.

After the object passes in front of the entrance photo eye, it starts the scale integrator (920i), averaging the weight

on the scale. At this time, the scale display shows dashes [ - - - - ]. The object proceeds down the scale conveyor

until it passes in front of the exit photo eye, at which time the integrator’s averaging process is stopped and the

averaged weight is displayed.
A smooth product transition and matching belt speeds are absolutely necessary to achieve accurate results. Photo

eyes and reflectors must be kept clean for optimal performance. Even though the equipment is wash down rated,

extreme water pressure should be avoided around the electronic components.


Hardware Requirements

Heavy duty tubular construction

230V variable speed motors x 3

3 phase

1/2 horsepower

1 full load amp @ 460 VAC

100% overload protection

Adustable line height +/- 2”

RS-232 real time straight weight transmission

Industrial grade belting