4 seat and footrest installation – Rice Lake Mechanical Chair Scale (RL-MCS) User Manual

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Mechanical Chair Scale Installation and Operation Instructions - Installation Instructions



Seat and Footrest Installation

Once the transport handle is attached the next step is to install the molded seat to the scale support frame.

1. Remove the four screws from the movable scale support frame platform and set aside.

Figure 2-8. Removable Screws on The Movable Scale Support Frame

2. Set the chair onto the scale support frame platform but

do not

fasten the screws as the footrest assembly

will also have to be put into place prior to tightening all screws.

3. Remove screws from the chair frame (shown in Figure 2-9) and set aside.

4. Tilt the chair upwards as shown in Figure 2-9. This will allow the installer to get the footrest assembly in

place prior to securing the chair to the platform.

Figure 2-9. Tilt the Chair Upward Before Installing the Footrest Assembly

5. Slide the footrest assembly onto the chair scale base as shown in Figure 2-9.

Note that the footrest assembly for the footrest is hanging on the metal chair channel and lined up with
the screw holes on the channel of the chair scale frame as shown in Figure 2-10.

Four screws on scale support
f r a m e - o n l y o n e s c r e w

Remove four screws from chair
frame (two on each side) and tilt the
chair upwards before installing
footrest assembly.