Rice Lake IQ plus 390-DC Live Weighing Option Configuration and Operation Instructions User Manual

Live weighing option, Iq plus 390-dc digital weight indicator, Configuration

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July 2000


IQ plus 390-DC Digital Weight Indicator

Live Weighing Option

PNs 53852 and 65738

The live weighing option extends the function of the IQ plus 390-DC indicator to provide the specialized weight
sampling, display, and print functions needed for animal weighing applications. This addendum describes the
conÞguration and operation of the live weighing option only. See the IQ plus 390-DC

Installation Manual


complete installation, conÞguration, and calibration information.


Live Weighing Option 53852 uses CPU board PN 48816, software version AW1.01; Option 65738 uses

CPU board PN 52380 with software version AW1.02. The external function of the two software versions is identical,
but each must be paired with the correct CPU board.


The extended conÞguration for the live weighing
option is contained in the PROGRM menu. All other
conÞguration menus are identical to the standard IQ
plus 390-DC menus.

The ANIMAL submenu on the PROGRM menu (see
Figure 1 on page 2) provides parameters to do the


Enable the live weighing option


Set the sampling time for acquiring animal


Set the display time for the acquired weight


Select whether the animal weight is
automatically printed


Select whether the indicator display shows the
current scale weight (live animal weight) or is
b l a n k ( n o w e i g h t d i s p l a y e d ) w h e n t h e
speciÞed sample and display times have

Table 1 on page 2 describes each of the ANIMAL
submenu parameters.


All features of the standard indicator are

included in the option software. When the live weighing
option is disabled, the indicator functions as a standard
IQ plus 390-DC. Use of piece count mode is not
recommended when the live weighing option is


With the indicator conÞgured for live weighing and
calibrated, do the following to operate in live
weighing mode:

1. Zero the scale. Acquire tare, if any.
2. Lead animal onto scale, then press



acquire the animal weight. The indicator
display shows the message


as it

acquires the sample weight.

3. When the sample time (speciÞed on the

SMPTIM parameter) expires, the display
shows the animal weight acquired over that
time and ßashes the units annunciator to
i n d i c a t e a c q u i r e d w e i g h t d i s p l a y. T h e
acquired weight is displayed for the length of
time speciÞed on the DSPTIM parameter.
¥ If AUTOPRT is ON, a print ticket is sent to

the serial port as soon as the weight is

¥ If AUTOPRT is OFF, press



the acquired weight is displayed

to send

data to the serial port.

4. When the display time (DSPTIM parameter

value) expires, the indicator display returns to
the display mode speciÞed on the WEIMOD
¥ If WEIMOD is NORMAL, the display

shows the current scale weight until the
next weight sample is acquired by pressing



¥ If WEIMOD is BLANK, the numeric digits

on the display are blanked out (no weight
display). The only weight values shown in
this mode are the acquired animal weights.
The display remains blank until the next
weight sample is acquired by pressing the

