Introduction, Ipmi in advancedmc / advancedtca environment, The module management controller hardware – Kontron AM4010 User Manual
Page 8: Ipmi firmware user guide: am4010

IPMI Firmware User Guide: AM4010
5. Introduction
5.1 IPMI in AdvancedMC / AdvancedTCA Environment
The Module Management Controller is a crucial component of any AMC module. Besides
acting as a regular IPMI management controller (sensor monitoring, event logging, etc.), it
also provides an interface to all necessary data related to module power requirements and
implemented interfaces (E-Keying). Further, it plays an active role in the module hot swap
state management. The carrier IPMI Controller (IPMC) communicates with the MMC using
the local IPMB (IPMB-L) bus. In an ATCA/AMC environment, it is the IPMC that actually
turns on/off module (payload) power. However, before the IPMC enables the module payload
power, various criteria must be satisfied by both the carrier and the module, including power
requirements and capabilities, matching interfaces, current module hot swap state, and any
other special conditions as specified by the Shelf Manager policy.
5.2 The Module Management Controller Hardware
On the AM4010 module, the MMC is implemented using the Renesas H8S/2166 controller
with 512 kB of internal flash and 40 kB of RAM. An additional 1 MB serial EEPROM chip
provides redundant firmware image storage. A separate 32 kB serial EEPROM chip is used
for firmware private data and 4 kB FRU Inventory storage.
The MMC circuit implements two local Keyboard Style Interfaces (KCS) with interrupt
support for communication with system side management software and the IPMB-L bus for
interconnection with the IPMC.
IPMI over LAN (IOL) is supported by two Ethernet channels.
The MMC implements a wide range of sensors that permit the monitoring of:
• main power voltages: +12V (PWR), +5V, +3.3V, +3.3V (MP), +1.5V, +1.8V,
+0.9V (DDR)
• temperatures: CPU die, MCH die, board inlet and outlet near CPU, board inlet and
outlet near MCH
• Power Good, LAN links, IPMB link, NMI and SMI lines, board reset, post code,
boot error, processor hot (>100 °C), IPMB-L state, Health error, IPMI watchdog
© 2007 Kontron AG
ID: 36363, Rev. 1.1