Oem module quiescence feedback, Ipmi firmware user guide: am4010 – Kontron AM4010 User Manual

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IPMI Firmware User Guide: AM4010 OEM Module Quiescence Feedback


Please refer to 6.11, Hot Swap.

If the OS doesn’t fully support ACPI this command provides support to control a graceful
shut down of the AM4010. There is a Graceful Reboot and Shutdown Daemon (grnsd) for
Linux included in the newest Linux BSPs being offered by Kontron. It works as being
described in the following (refer to “Usage for a self written shut down daemon” below).

If ACPI is fully supported this command can be used to set a timeout time for the case
that the ACPI means (ACPI daemon etc.) are unable to shut down the system in time. As a
default value at system start this time is set to 0 (endless wait).

Usage for a self written shut down daemon

This command normally is used by a shut down daemon in a non ACPI supporting
software environment. If a timeout time has to be set to avoid an endless waiting for the
sleep state the daemon calls this command after system start with the “set quiesce wait
timeout” bit set and the “Quiesce wait timeout” time <> 0. Afterwards the daemon calls
this command cyclically with the “OS daemon present” bit set. When the MMC gets a
FRU Control (Quiesce) request from the carrier (e.g. during a Hot Swap sequence) it sets
the “quiesce request (FRU Control)” bit in its command response. After the daemon
sees this bit set in the response it should shut down the system. After having set the
“quiesce request (FRU Control)” bit the MMC starts the timeout timer (if a timeout
time was defined) and monitors the sleep signal line to recognize the sleep state
which should be caused by the shut down. When the MMC detects the sleep state
(signal) or it receives a command with the “quiescence acknowledge” bit set or the
timeout timer has expired, the MMC sends a “Module Hot Swap event” message to the
carrier, and in the following the payload power will be switched off.

If no daemon is announced as present

If no command call announces that a daemon is present, the MMC automatically uses the
default timeout time 0 (endless wait) during the Hot Swap process. But if the timeout time
was set to a value 1…255 by this time will be used in any case while waiting for the sleep
state (signal).




OEM Module Quiescence Feedback


OEM = 3Eh


Byte Data Field

Request data


Control bits:
[7] - 1b = set quiesce wait timeout
[6] - 1b = quiescence acknowledge (OS ready)
[5] - 1b = OS daemon present
[4:0] Reserved



© 2007 Kontron AG

ID: 36363, Rev. 1.1