Ipmi over lan (iol), Serial over lan (sol), Over lan (sol, refer to 6.12.5 – Kontron AM4010 User Manual

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IPMI Firmware User Guide: AM4010

Ipmitool user

The predefined users for a channel can be listed by the command





The AM4010 has for every channel these predefinitions in non volatile memory:

ID Name Callin Link Auth IPMI Msg Channel Priv Limit
1 false true true USER
2 admin false true true ADMINISTRATOR

Please note that admin’s password is preset with ‘kontron’.
Changed users and passwords stay valid after payload power off.

6.12.4 IPMI over LAN (IOL)

IPMI over LAN is used for to communicate with an IPMI controller as e.g. the AM4010’s
MMC via LAN using the RMCP or RMCP+ protocol. The data which is transferred are IPMI
commands and the responses to them.

The open tool ‘ipmitool’ can serve as a control program and user interface for this. ipmitool
allows to issue generic IPMI commands as e.g.:

ipmitool -I lanplus -H -U admin -P admin raw 6 1

or to call complex functions like ‘mc .info’:

ipmitool -I lanplus -H -U admin -P admin mc info

This uses many generic IPMI commands to get all needed information.

6.12.5 Serial over LAN (SOL)

Serial over LAN connects the COM1 or /dev/ttyS0 respectively of the AM4010’s payload
side to an Ethernet channel. The MMC resides between this serial interface and one of the
Ethernet channels. It serves as an encoder and a decoder for the used RMCP+ protocol and
controls the data stream. Outside the AM4010 e.g. the open tool ipmitool can be used to drive
the SOL session i.e. it offers a console function to communicate via Ethernet with the
AM4010’s serial interface.

The serial interface can be used as a connection to

1) a user program on the AM4010 payload
2) the BIOS console redirection function. Refer to the BIOS setup menu

“Advanced>Console Redirection”. There the serial parameters for this purpose can be
set. Please note that after BIOS start, the OS gets active in most cases (except e.g.
DOS) and the console redirection stops working because the OS doesn’t use BIOS
functions to drive the console.

3) a Linux login console. This can be activated after payload start e.g. by the command

getty –h 115200 /dev/ttyS0

4) etc.

SOL supports and requires serial hardware handshake. This should be activated for the serial
port. Otherwise transmitted data might get lost. In any case the same serial parameters for the
used payload side serial interface and the MMC’s serial interface have to be used. The
parameters for the MMC’s serial interface can be set by the “ipmitool sol set …” command.
Calling “ipmitool sol set” shows all options that can be set.

Other commands which are possible are showed when issuing “ipmitool sol help”.



© 2007 Kontron AG

ID: 36363, Rev. 1.1