Diagnostics running on the carrier at8402 – Kontron AT8402 Diagnostics Manual User Manual

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Diagnostics running on the Carrier


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AT8402 CLI Reference Manual

Test mode:


Diagnostic code: PLX-00070005 PLX-00070008 PLX-000703nn PLX-000704nn


This tests reads the e-keying status of all AMC PCI Express ports. If an AMC PCI

Express port is enabled via e-keying, it checks for the LANEGOOD signals of the

associated PLX port and reports an error if no LANEGOOD status is detected.

Failure Impact

PLX-00070005 diagnostic code results from failure to read PLX LANEGOOD sta-
tus. Impact is failure of IPMC subsystem.

PLX-00070008 diagnostic code results from PCIe is in reset. The PCIe is going to
reset if the upstream port is deactivated. Impact is failure of PCI express infrastruc-
ture on all ports.

PLX-000703nn diagnostic codes results if e-keying status is enabled for PLX port
nn but no LANEGOOD status bit is detected. This occurs if a processor-AMC is
inserted in an AMC bay configured as downstream or a GE-AMC is inserted in an
AMC bay configured as upstream or PCIe infrastructure on AMC fails. Impact is
failure of PCI express infrastructure on port nn.

PLX-000704nn diagnostic code results if e-keying status is enabled for PLX port
nn but LANEGOOD status is incorrect. Impact is failure of PCI express infrastruc-
ture on port nn.

Port table

For the diagnostic codes PLX-000703nn or PLX-000704nn the port nn which fails is

indicated. The following relation is valid

port 0 : AMC-B4

port 1 : AMC-B3

port 2 : Update Channel

port 8 : AMC-B2

port 9 : AMC-B1

port 10 : SAS (no ekeying, not checked)