Setting of the sel time, Xmc card support, Ipmi firmware user guide cp6002 – Kontron CP6002 IPMI User Manual

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IPMI Firmware User Guide


Page 18

ID: 1039-1613, Rev. 2.0

When the handle is opened, the Management Controller asserts the “power button” signal to
notify the OS. The OS then shuts down all processes and afterwards causes the transmission
of the IPMI command “Set ACPI Power State / S3/G2 soft off” to the Management Controller
which then switches the power off.


Setting of the SEL time

The Management Controller does not have its own hardware real time clock. Therefore after
startup, restart or upgrade of the Management Controller, its software clock first must be sup-
plied with the current time. The Management Controller uses the time when handling event
messages which otherwise will have an out-of-date time stamp.

Every time when the EFI starts up, it supplies the Management Controller with the payload's
current real time clock time.

It is a problem with restarts of the Management Controller without a following EFI startup. Be-
cause, during restart the Management Controller's time gets lost and it must be set again by
issuing the IPMI command “Set SEL Time”. This may be done by application software on the
payload side via the KCS interface or by a remote Management Controller via the IPMB-0.


XMC Card Support

The presence or absence of XMC card(s) is reported by sensors “XMC present” and “XMC-2
pres” (refer to sensor description).

If an XMC card is present the card's FRU data EEPROM is readable/writable. The size of the
EEPROM must be smaller or equal to 256 bytes, because of 8-bit EEPROM addressing. Note
that XMC FRU size is always reported as 256 bytes and writing to locations that are higher than
the real capacity should be avoided.

The FRU data of the XMC can be read under Linux with:

• ipmitool fru print 1

• ipmitool fru print 2 (on boards with two XMCs)