ISSPRO R6535M User Manual
ISSPRO Hardware

ISSPRO, INC. 2515 N.E. Riverside Way, Portland OR 97211
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Form No. IS016 (10/21/02 Rev. B) Page 1 of 5
ISSPRO 3 3/8” DIA. Programmable Tachometer
High Performance EV Line
Part Numbers R5535M, R6535M
General Information:
Operating Voltage:
11-30VDC (12V or 24V system configurable): NOTE-Instrument comes equipped with 12 volt
lamps. Replace lamps with ones supplied when installing instrument into 24V system.
Input Signal:
Magnetic Gear tooth sensor, AC generator, Alternator tap, 5 volt signal from computer.
Programming Range:
1 TO 280 Pulses per engine revolution (gear teeth, magnets, etc.).
Transient Protection:
Conforms to SAE J1113 specifications for steady state and electrical transient testing.
This part is reverse polarity protected.
The tachometer is configured by setting a 10 position dip-switch to the calibration number. The switch is located
under a plate on the rear of the unit and is accessible by removing two screws.
Note: Power must be cycled OFF to ON before the tachometer will accept a change in calibration.
Calibration Number:
Calibration number is the number of pulses per engine revolution from the alternator, magnetic sensor or signal
Alternator Input:
The tachometer is connected to the “w” terminal (stator tap) on the alternator. Note that some alternators may use
“S” or “T” to indicate the tachometer tap. Some alternators do not have a connection to the stator to give a
tachometer output. These alternator types must be modified or replaced for use with this tachometer.
Calibration number for an alternator application is:
Calibration number = # Poles of Alternator X Dia. of crank pulley
Dia of alternator pulley
Note: The poles of an alternator are the metal fingers around the rotating field winding in the center of the alternator.
Magnetic Sensor Input:
(Variable Reluctance type)
These sensors give a voltage pulse whenever a gear tooth is detected. If a flywheel is used, the calibration number is
number of teeth on the flywheel. If a different gear is used, it is important to know how fast the gear rotates in
relation to the engine. If the gear runs half the speed of the engine, the calibration number is half the number of
teeth. On these types of sensors, it is important that the sensing portion of the sensor (round or square portion in the
middle of the sensing end) be smaller than the distance between the gear teeth for adequate output. Installation
requires that the sensor be set as close to the gear teeth as possible. Usually (with engine OFF) screw the sensor in
until it touches the gear then back off ½ turn.
Proximity Sensor Input:
There are a number of different types of these sensors. The simplest is two magnets glued to the vibration damper
with the sensor mounted near the magnets. Calibration number is determined the same way as the magnetic sensors.
The two-magnet device gives a calibration number of two.
Signal Generator Input:
Generator is installed on tachometer cable drive of engine.
These come in a number of different configurations and styles. The ISSPRO R8940 and R8970 are typical sensors
and give 30 pulses per their revolution. To determine calibration number, multiply the pulses per turn times the