ETS-Lindgren 2175 Antenna Tower User Manual
Page 27

5.0 Operation
Before connecting any components, follow the safety information
in the ETS-Lindgren Product Information Bulletin included with
your shipment.
See the Model 2090 Multi-Device Controller (or next generation ETS-Lindgren
controller, if applicable) manual if you are unfamiliar with the operation of the
unit. A manual is included with each controller shipment and is also available
for download from
Editing the Controller Configuration Parameters
See the Model 2090 Multi-Device Controller (or next generation ETS-Lindgren
controller, if applicable) manual for steps to edit the configuration parameters.
MiniMast Encoder Calibration
The display symbol C refers to the encoder calibration parameter. This setting is
used to convert the encoder count values returned from a motor base into the
corresponding centimeter or degree position reading. For towers, the number
represents the number of encoder counts per meter. Using this parameter, a
variety of standard, retrofit, and custom devices can be used. The setting for the
Model 2175 MiniMast™ is 2000.
If the given value does not appear to work correctly, the encoder calibration value
can be determined using the following procedure:
1. Set the encoder calibration value to 1000.
2. Ensure that the MiniMast is positioned to allow at least one meter of
travel in the upward direction at an easily measurable height, then set
the current position reading to 000.0.
You must adjust the lower limit setting to allow at least one meter of travel.
3. Using the STEP keys of the controller, adjust the height of the carrier
until it is one meter above the start point.
4. Record the reading of the display, ignoring the decimal point (for
example, 200.0 would be 2000). This is the encoder calibration value.