Appendix c: ec declaration of conformity – ETS-Lindgren 2165 Turntable User Manual
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EC Declaration of Conformity
Appendix C: EC Declaration of Conformity
The EC Declaration of Conformity is the method by which ETS-Lindgren L.P. declares that the equipment listed on
this document complies with the EMC Directive and Low Voltage Directive.
Factory Issued
ETS-Lindgren, L.P.
ETS-Lindgren, L.P.
P.O. Box 80589
P.O. Box 80589
Austin, Texas USA 78708-0589
Austin, Texas USA 78708-0589
The products listed below are eligible to bear the CE mark:
– Model 2165 Turntable with 2165-style motor base
Standard Criteria
EN 55011
Group 1, Class B
EN 61000-4-2:1995
Level 2/3 (4/8 kV)
EN 61000-4-3:1997
Level 2 (3 V/m)
EN 61000-4-4
Level 2 (1/0.5k V)
ENV 50204:1996
Level 2 (3 V/m)
EN 61000-4-5:1995
Level 3 (2/1 kV)
EN 61000-4-11:1994
2 kV
EN 61010-1
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and
laboratory use
The authorizing signatures on the EC Declaration of Conformity document authorize ETS-Lindgren, L.P. to affix the
CE mark to the indicated product. CE marks placed on these products will be distinct and visible. Other marks or
inscriptions liable to be confused with the CE mark will not be affixed to these products. ETS-Lindgren, L.P. has ensured
that appropriate documentation shall remain available on premises for inspection and validation purposes for a period of
no less than 10 years.