Elecraft KAT500 Manual Errata User Manual

Elecraft Accessories communication

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K A T 5 0 0 O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L E R R A T A

R e v . C 4 - 1 , N o v e m b e r 2 4 , 2 0 1 4

M A K E T H E S E C H A N G E S T O Y O U R R E V . C 4 M A N U A L

1. Page 16: Under Tune Operation, replace the last paragraph (just before Memories) that starts with “If the

SWR is below 1.2…” with the following:

If the SWR is 1.2 or less

when a tune operation begins, the KAT500 bypasses the matching network

without searching for a tuning solution. The KAT500 remains in either




mode but the

matching network is switched out of the RF path (bypassed). The bypass setting will be stored as the tuning
solution so the matching network will be bypassed whenever you return to that frequency. This SWR
threshold can be changed with the Utility Program (see Automatic Bypass on Selected Bands on page 18
and VSWR Thresholds page 21)