EdgeWare FastBreak Standard Version 5 User Manual
Page 9
Ability to search the Buy and Sell ranking list by fund symbol. Some users have
very large trading families and it is difficult to locate a particular issue in the
ranking list. This option allows the user to do an efficient search for the fund
Additional Changes between Version 2 and Version 5
Note: You can load trading systems developed with Version 2 of FastBreak into this
new version, however, the first time you load an old trading system you must input the
beta /correlation index and calculation period on the Funds/Index tab. After you have
entered this information you will need to resave the DFT file.
Load all three FastTrack databases at the same time
Batch mode
Alpha ranking
Breakout Optimization Method (BOOM)
Better Opportunity Sell Signal (BOSS)
RSI stop
Numerous buy filters: EMA, parabolic, RSI, beta, and correlation
New information in summary and detail files
Enhancements to adjustment factor options
Because of changes in program calculation logic you may see changes in results from
your trading systems developed with prior versions of FastBreak. This is why we rec-
ommend you keep the old version of FastBreak on your computer until you verify your
systems haven’t changed. Here are just a few reasons why strategies my give different
results with the new version:
In previous versions of Standard FastBreak if a stop was hit, but the fund hitting
the stop was still the top ranked fund, the detail file would show the fund being
sold and then repurchased. New logic always checks to determine if the fund be-
ing purchased was the one just sold. If that is the case the sell is negated.
We removed the Adaptive Moving Average as a stop option. This was done be-
cause we never found the AMA to be a particularly effective stop option and we
wanted to make room on the Stops tab for a much more effective new option
called BOSS.
Change in the logic for the Rate of Return Sell stop. We now check a candidate
fund prior to purchase for this stop to verify that it exceeds the stop parameters