EdgeWare FastBreak Standard Version 5 User Manual
Page 60

3. Notice that a 26 day ranking produced good results. This will be used for the next
run. Note: Your results may be different due to changes in the Select family since
this example was created.
4. Jump back to the Strategy Tab
Second Run
This run will be for a specific test case. From the first run, it was found that a 23 day
ranking period looked good. This case will be evaluated in detail by changing only a few
menu items from the first run.
1. Set “Min buy” and “Max buy” to 26 days
2. Go to the Output Tab screen
3. Click the Summary file box if you want to change the name of the summary output
4. Check the “Create detail” box and enter a file name
5. Check the “Create FNU” box and enter file name of test.fnu, a title of “Trade 1 fund
26 day rank”, and a symbol name of “test”
6. Click Execute button on Tool Bar
When the run has finished:
1. Go to the Detail Grid Tab and look at each trade and the information on each fund
traded (Remember: The individual fund information is in the upper right corner of the
Detail Grid)
2. Launch the Windows or DOS version of FastTrack. We use the Windows version
3. Look at the FNU file you created by typing the FNU file name “test.” Any of the
FastTrack functions can be used on this file. The chart in FastTrack will look similar
to the following when using DJ-30 as the index: