EdgeWare FastBreak Standard Version 5 User Manual

Page 25

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Buy & Sell: General Anchored Momentum - This option is based on work by Rudy
Stefenel and published in Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities. See Appendix A
for a detailed description.

Buy & Sell: Most Anchored Momentum - This option is based on work by Rudy Ste-
fenel and published in Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities. See Appendix A for
a detailed description.

Buy & Sell Using Alpha Ranking – This option ranks funds based on short term “al-
pha.” See Appendix A for a detailed description of alpha.

Buy and Sell using Sharpe Ratio – This option ranks funds based on short term Sharpe
Ratio. Sharpe Ratio is a common measure of reward and risk. See FastTrack Help for a
description of Sharpe Ratio.

Buy Slope Type/Sell Slope Type

This button selection menu is used to select the type of slope to use when using a curve
fit strategy. Linear, Power (shown as Non-linear) or Quadratic curve fits can be used.
Note, when a strategy is selected that does not use a curve fit this menu “grays out” and
prevents selection. If using a curve fit for buying and selling, different types of curve fits
can be selected. See the Appendix A for a description of each type of curve fit.

Start date

This is the date when FastBreak will start testing a strategy. Note: FastBreak uses 8 dig-
its for dates. You must include all four digits in a year, and if a month or day is only
one digit (1-9) you must include a zero in front of the digit. One of the most common
mistakes that will result in run errors is not entering dates correctly. Note: FastBreak
will not let you set a date earlier than the first date data is available in the FastTrack
data base (typically 09/01/1988).
Also, because ranking strategies are being used, you
must have data available for ranking proceeding the start date. FastBreak will default to
a start date that allows the number of days required for the maximum ranking period that
is expected in the strategy to be tested. For example, if a maximum ranking period of 50
days is to be tested, FastBreak will verify that there are 50 days of data preceding the
Start Date in the FastTrack data base. If you try to violate these rules FastBreak will
“beep” at you. Note: FastBreak does the same error check for other options, including
stops and filters that require a “period” of data. For example, if using the maximum