EdgeWare FastBreak Standard Version 5 User Manual
Page 52

The WHY column contains the reason the trade was made. The following table contains
the explanation of the code:
Reason for Sell
M Momentum
Trailing Stop Loss
P Parabolic
Kase Dev Stop
D Dynamic
Rate of Return Sell Signal
Exponential Moving Average
Better Opportunity Sell Signal (BOSS)
H Harnsberger
Short/Long EMA Crossover
Note: If there isn’t a trade, the last line in the Detail screen will always show an “M”
in WHY column for each account. Also, a fund may be sold for more than a single
reason, for example if it hits multiple stops. The WHY column only lists the first rea-
son that FastBreak finds that will trigger a sell.
Percentage TRADE GAIN % while the fund was held. % IN ACCOUNT is the percent
of total funds held in this particular account. Percent of funds in money market % IN
MMKT, COMBINED RETURN% the percentage return from the start date for all ac-
counts in the trading strategy.
The % IN MMKT column is used in two situations. First, if the Balance Multiple Funds
option is used, FastBreak will put “excess” proceeds into the designated money market
fund. This column is used to keep track of the percentage of total investment currently in
this situation. See FastBreak Calculation Details chapter on Account Balancing for addi-
tional information. The second condition that uses this column is when a “Market Risk”
other than zero is used when using a signal file. This column will show the percentage of
funds transferred to money market during a signal file sell. Note: If the ranking strategy
buys the money market fund, the proceeds will not show up in this column because this
buy is treated like any other fund holding, and the percentage will show up in the % IN
ACCOUNT column.
A detail file that was previously created can be loaded into FastBreak by clicking on the
Create Detail option on the Output menu. When the file selection menu is shown, click
on an existing file name. Say OK, and click on the Detail Grid to load the file.
Note: FastBreak anticipates when calculating the DAYS HELD. This means that on a
given day after the market closes, FastBreak knows that the earliest time a fund can be
sold is tomorrow and you will get credit for tomorrow. If the day is Friday, FastBreak
knows the earliest you can sell is next Monday and it gives credit for three days. It
does not keep track of market holidays.