EdgeWare FastBreak Standard Version 5 User Manual

Page 79

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and load all the fund names, including your FNU files. If FastBreak hits an error during
the loading of your FNU files, this indicates you have a corrupt FNU file. You will need
to move all your FNU files from your FastTrack (FT) folder to a temporary location.
Now, try to restart FastBreak. If FastBreak launches you will need to determine which of
your FNU files is corrupted. This can be done by moving the files one at a time from the
temporary location and launching FastBreak after each transfer.

Q) Just because a particular strategy works well in back testing, what guarantee is there
that it will work well in the future?

A) We are all looking for the perfect trading strategy or tool. There are no guarantees
any strategy or indicator will work well in the future. An investor needs to look at his
strategy(s) over a variety of market conditions and try to determine if it is a good general

Q) How is FastBreak different from other FastTrack add-on products on the market?

A) FastBreak was written to do one type of trading strategy - Fund rotation. We only do
one thing but we try to do it right.

Q) I start to type a trading family name to find it in the list of family names, I locate and
select the trading family, the name is highlighted but the name doesn’t jump to the top
line where I was typing?

A) It isn’t supposed too. The family selection box is also used for individual fund selec-
tion, and this prevents making the family selection fill the input box.

Q) Yes, but when I type the money market fund name it is highlighted automatically.

A) After the first few runs of FastBreak this will not bother you.

Q) FastBreak gave me a trade several days ago, but tonight when I ran FastBreak it
shows I’m holding a different fund than was indicated several days ago.

A) There is usually at least a one day delay in adjusting the FastTrack data base for dis-
tributions. Funds that have distributions can show significant drops on the Price chart
until the distributions are included the next day. This drop in NAV can force FastBreak
to make a trade that is not accurate. Later, when the NAV is adjusted for the distribu-
tion, the trade will be reversed. There isn’t a good solution to avoid this problem but it is
rare. It is more common near year end when many funds make distributions. Bond fund
trades at month end should always be questioned. If a trade is indicated, the fund sold
should always be checked in FastTrack to try to determine if there is an unexpected drop
in NAV that may indicate a distribution. If there is, then you may want to wait a few days
until FastTrack adds the distribution to the database.