EdgeWare FastBreak Standard Version 5 User Manual

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3.0 Upgrade Notes

Maintaining Existing FastBreak Trading Strategies

If you have existing FastBreak strategies that you like we recommend that you keep the
old version of FastBreak on your computer until you have verified that the strategies pro-
duce the same results with the new version. Prior to installing the new version of Fast-
Break go to the folder where the existing version is located, typically ftbreak (ftbreakp
for Pro users), and find the file ftbreak.exe (ftbreakp.exe for Pro). Rename this file
ftbreakV4.exe (ftbreakpV4.exe for Pro). Now put a shortcut to this file on your desk top.

If you see significant changes in favorite trading strategies then continue to run these
strategies in your old version of FastBreak until you have a chance to create new strate-
gies in the new version. You can have multiple versions of FastBreak installed on a com-
puter so there is no problem running these old strategies.

Changes in Version 5

This section will cover enhancements in FastBreak Version 5 and is of interest to users of
previous versions of Standard FastBreak. Note: For users of previous versions of Fast-
Break Pro see the Upgrade Notes in the supplemental FastBreak Pro manual.

You may ask how Version 5 of Standard FastBreak is different from previous versions
and if you should reread the manual. The answer is that the changes are extensive and
we suggest you read the entire manual to understand the enhancements. The examples
are for the most part unchanged and you can skip these sections if you are a veteran Fast-
Break user. The following list of changes covers upgrades from Version 4 to Version 5.
Some users may be upgrading from a very old version and a section follows to cover up-
grades from Version 2. Note: There wasn’t a Version 3 of Standard FastBreak.

Changes between Version 4 and Version 5


Capability to build market timing systems and signal files.

o We believe this is the most exciting new functionality. This functionality

was developed, in large part, to better trade individual stocks. Over the
years we have found that FastBreak stock trading systems have the poten-
tial for fantastic returns, but we have also found that controlling draw-
down is a challenge in bear markets. We have found that even in severe
bear markets there will be stocks that rally strongly, however, these rallies
often fail resulting in a whipsaw trades. We saw the need for market tim-
ing signals that would keep the trading system out of the very worst of
markets. There are numerous market timing signals available but so many
of these are not robust and fail the test of time. Also, we wanted to de-