Program parameters, Oscillators – Dave Smith Instruments POLY EVOLVER KEYBOARD User Manual
Page 22

Program Parameters
All Program parameters can be edited using the front panel controls. To edit a
program, simply turn the desired parameter knob. The selected parameter and value
appears in the LCD display.
After a parameter is selected by turning its knob, you can also use the P
2 knob
to change the value of the selected parameter. The +/Y
or -/N
incrementally adjust parameter values as well.
Following are descriptions of each Poly Evolver Program Parameter.
There are four oscillators per Poly Evolver voice. To select a particular oscillator for
editing, press the appropriate oscillator switch, 1–4. Turning a knob will then adjust
the parameters of the selected oscillator. Holding one of the four switches will solo
that oscillator (the switch will blink) by setting the levels of the other three to zero. It
does not affect any modulation that is routed to oscillator level, though, so at times it
may not completely turn off all other levels.
Oscillators 1 and 2
Oscillators 1 and 2 are analog oscillators. Oscillator 1 is hardwired to the Left channel;
Oscillator 2 is hardwired to the Right channel.
Note: There are additional modulation controls that affect Oscillators 1 and 2.
These are covered in other sections of the Parameter definitions.