Dave Smith Instruments POLY EVOLVER KEYBOARD User Manual
Page 19

with Poly Chain)
MIDI clock is received, but MIDI
start/stop/continue messages are ignored.
Prog Tempo: Off, On – When set to Off, changing a Program or Combo will not
change the tempo- this is useful for keeping a constant tempo but using different
sounds. If set to On, a Program change will change the tempo to the BPM and Clock
Divide values saved with the Program. When on, changing the main BPM will also
change the Program BPM, and vice-versa. When off, changing one has no effect on
the other.
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Tempo (BPM): xxx
Clock Div:xxxxxx
Tempo: 30…250 – Sets the basic speed for the sequencer in BPM. Actual speed also
depends on the Clock Divide setting. If using MIDI clock, it will display the BPM of the
incoming MIDI clocks. If Prog Tempo is On, the Tempo and Clock Divide will both be
updated on every Program or Combo change.
Clock Divide: see table – Used as a clock divider to provide a wider range of
sequencer speeds. When set to Quartr (quarter notes), the BPM setting is exact, i.e.
120 BPM = 120 BPM. If set to Half (half note), the actual speed is half, so a setting of
120 BPM will actually play at 60 BPM.
Swing settings add a delay to every the odd steps (1, 3, 5, and so on), while
shortening the even steps by the same amount, for a swing feel to the timing. Half
swing is the same with less delay.
Here are all the possible settings, with the effect on the overall tempo:
Timing Division
Half note
Quarter note
BPM x 2
Eighth note
8 half
BPM x 2
Eighth note, half swing timing
BPM x 2
Eighth note, full swing timing
8 trip
BPM x 3
Eighth note triplets
BPM x 4
Sixteenth note
BPM x 4
Sixteenth note, half swing timing
BPM x 4
Sixteenth note, full swing timing
BPM x 6
Sixteenth note triplets
BPM x 8
Thirty-second note
BPM x 12
Thirty-second note triplets
BPM x 24
Sixty-fourth note triplets
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