Dave Smith Instruments TETRA User Manual
Page 8

decrement change the values. These settings are remembered when the synth is
turned off.
You should be up and running now; for more operation information, read on. Or,
just look up specific parameters for detailed notes. Pages 41 through 43 contain
a handy reference for mod destinations and sources. At some point you should
read through the manual to discover all the little features that you might not
notice at first.
Don’t forget you get a free editor for Mac OS or Windows with your purchase.
Download it from www.soundtower.com/tetra.
I should mention that this manual does not include explanations of basic analog
synthesizer functions. It assumes you already know what an oscillator is, how a
low-pass filter affects the sound, what an ADSR envelope looks like, and so on.
Fortunately, these days it is quite easy to find such resources on the Internet. If
you want to learn the lingo and the basics, just try a search in Google (or the
search engine of your choice), something like “analog synthesizer tutorial.”
You’ll find plenty of good reading material.
Have fun!
Dave Smith
Special thanks to:
Tim Ande, Dave Polich, Ravi Sharma, James Terris, Stefan Trippler, and Jason
Ware for their voicing work. Thanks also to the authors of the Prophet ’08
programs, many of which are used in Tetra. Finally, the DSI Team: Chris
Hector, Andrew McGowan, Joanne McGowan, and Tracy Wadley.