Ii. wiring – BoonDocker YAMAHA: Nytro Turbo User Manual
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BoonDocker – 1585 Hollipark Dr. Idaho Falls, ID 83401 – 208-542-4411 / 877-522-7805
www.boondockers.com – email:
– fax: 208-524-7381
Revised 2-13-08
Copyright © 2004-2008 by Boondocker
Page 2 of 20
II. Wiring:
A. Injector Harness:
The pigtail pairs of the Control Box EFI wiring harness plug
in between the injector connectors from the stock harness and
the injectors. Starting with the shortest pair of connectors
(yellow and tan wires), plug these into the injector for cylinder
#1 (PTO side). Continue with the middle pair, then plug the
longest set of wires injector for cylinder #3 (MAG side).
The white connector connects to the Control Box. Route this
harness to keep it away from heat and moving parts. Use zip
ties to secure it in place.
B. Turbo Harness
Note in the picture below where each connection goes. Route this harness so that the Control Box connector is adjacent to
the Injector Harness Control Box connector. Route the other wires as required. Keep the harness away from heat and
moving parts. Use zip ties to secure it in place. The auxiliary power source will be covered in the next section.
Connect the yellow wire on the Turbo Harness to the yellow TPS wire on the stock harness as described below. It can be
spliced in near the TPS switch or near the large gray 16-pin connector (14 wires used) near the top left in the engine
compartment. (Connecting this wire is not mandatory if you don’t want to use throttle position to trigger nitrous injection.)
Note on using the supplied butt splice connector: If installed correctly, this butt splice will provide a reliable connection.
Be sure to use a quality crimping tool. DO NOT USE A CRIMPER THAT PUNCHES INTO THE INSULATION. DO
NOT USE PLIERS. After crimping you will use heat to shrink the insulation. Adhesive inside the connector will melt and
flow around the wires, which will hold the wire and seal out moisture.