Stealth pro ratchet shifter, Nstallation instructions

Printed in the U.S.A.
The B&M Stealth Pro Ratchet Shifter
is a full ratchet shifter that performs great,
both on the street and on the race track. It will
work with most two speed, three speed or
four speed automatic transmissions. It has a
positive ratchet design so that you will not miss
a shift, either up or down. It works with both
standard and reverse pattern valve bodies. It
has a unique “one hand” reverse lockout
feature that meets NHRA and IHRA require-
ments. You don’t need to use two hands to
shift into Reverse.
Part #81058 is for use only with alumi-
num Powerglide transmissions. The sup-
plied B&M Powerglide Pro-Lever is for
use with full manual valve bodies or
transbrakes applications only. Part
#81057 is for use with three speed auto-
matic transmissions such as the GM TH-
400, TH-350, TH-250 and TH-200; the Ford
C-4 and C-6; and the Chrysler 1966 and
later Torqueflite A-727 and A-904, or four
speed automatic transmissions such as the
GM TH-200 4R, TH-700 R4, 4L60, 4L60E, and
4L65E; the Ford AOD; and the Chrysler A-500
and A-518. To use the B&M Stealth Pro
Ratchet Shifter with the Ford AOD transmis-
sions you will need the optional accessory kit
#40496. To install the B&M Stealth Pro
Ratchet Shifter on a 4L60E or 4L65E equipped
with a PRNDL switch you will need B&M
installation kit #75498, otherwise use supplied
GM bracket.
Your B&M Stealth Pro Ratchet Shifter
comes equipped with a neutral safety switch,
a backup light switch, transmission brackets,
levers and a five foot shift cable. Optional
shifter cables in 2 ft. (#80830),3 ft. (#80831),
4 ft. (#80832), 8 ft. (#80834), 10 ft. (#80835)
and 12 ft. (#80836) are also available.
Please read the instructions and review
the illustrations thoroughly before beginning
the installation.
The mechanical components of this shifter
are precision made and assembled at our
factory. Any modification or disassembly of
these parts can cause the shifter to malfunc-
tion and will void the warranty. You should
disassemble only those items outlined in the
The vehicle should be about 2 feet off
the ground for ease of installation. Use jack
stands, wheel ramps or a vehicle lift. Make
sure the vehicle is firmly supported before
attempting to work on it.
IMPORTANT: If your vehicle is equipped with
a locking steering column. Securing the column
lock lever in the engine compartment in the full
up position will allow the steering wheel to be
locked and unlocked and the ignition key to be
WARNING: This allows the steering wheel to
be locked WHENEVER the ignition key is turned
to the “lock” position WHILE THE VEHICLE IS
the steering column lock lever in any other
position will both PREVENT the steering wheel
from locking and removal of the ignition key.
NOTE: If you are installing this shifter with a GM
four speed automatic transmission, you must
remove the three speed limiter blocker pin and
the e-clips indicated in Figure 1. Removing this
blocker pin gives the shifter four forward
positions rather than three. For Ford AOD four
speed automatic transmissions and Chrysler
A-500 and A-518 four speed automatic trans-
missions do not remove this blocker pin, since
these transmissions have only three forward
positions. Also do not remove the blocker pin
and the e-clips for any three speed auto-
matic transmissions. (The three speed limiter
blocker pin goes in the upper of the two holes
at the rear of the shifter and the two speed
limiter blocker pin goes in the lower hole).
If you are installing this shifter with a Ford
or Chrysler three or four speed automatic
transmission you must install the Park limiter
blocker pin and the e-clips as also indicated in
Figure 1. This limiter limits the shifter travel into
the Park position, so that it does not stretch the
cable since Ford and Chrysler transmissions
have less travel between Reverse and Park
than GM transmissions do.
STEP 1. Remove the stock shift linkage;
Column Shifters: Remove all rods, levers or
cables from the column and the transmission.
Place the column shift lever in the Park position.
Remove the pin holding the shift lever in the
column and remove the lever assembly. If your
vehicle is equipped with a locking steering
column, secure the column lock lever in the full
up position. WARNING: This allows the steer-
ing wheel to be locked and the ignition key
removed WHENEVER the ignition key is turned
to the “lock” position WHILE THE VEHICLE IS
Console Shifters: Remove the shifter mecha-
nism from the console. Disconnect the rod or
the cable from the transmission. Remove the
cable bracket if equipped. If there is a cable or
linkage from the console shifter or transmis-
sion to the steering column lock, it must be
blocked in the Park position as described
NOTE: Installation of the shifter may require
console modification or complete console re-
moval depending on the space available in
nstallation Instructions
Stealth Pro Ratchet Shifter
Part Number 81120 & 81121
(see www.bmracing.com for the latest technical product information)
©2010, 2006 by B&M Racing and Performance Products