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through all the gear positions. Check
to make sure the swivel will slide in and
out of the selector lever hole in each
gear position. Install the cotter key
supplied with the shifter into the swivel
and spread the key ends.
If you have a problem, DO NOT FORCE
THE SHIFTER, this will damage the
cable, the shifter or the transmission.
Simply start at the beginning and care-
fully check all your steps.
IMPORTANT: Do not force the shifter
to over travel into the Park position.
This will move the shifter into the GM
Park position and will damage the cable
or transmission.
STEP 33. Check the operation of the
throttle linkage again. The linkage must
operate smoothly with no bind. All
transmissions using automatic valve
bodies must have the throttle linkage
connected and operating or transmis-
sion damage will result.
STEP 34. The oval hole in the rear of
the shifter body will serve as the exit for
the switch wires (See Photo #6). Since
the reverse light switch only breaks the
power to the reverse lights, the color of
the wires is not critical. If your wiring is
different, follow the instructions that
pertain to your specific wiring layout.
STEP 35. Neutral safety/backup light
’66-’68: The neutral safety switch will
continue to function normally. It will not
be necessary to hook up the neutral
safety switch wires on the shifter. Dis-
connect the battery ground cable be-
fore wiring the backup light switch.
Locate the original backup light switch
on the steering column or the console
shifter. Run these wires to the UPPER
switch on the B&M Magnum Grip
Street Bandit Shifter (See Photo
#6). Reconnect the ground wire and


Photo #10

Neutral mark

black trigger pin

check the light for proper operation.
Adjust the switch on the shifter if re-
quired, please refer to ADJUSTING
’69 and Later: The neutral safety/
backup switch is located on the trans-
mission and will continue to function
normally. It will not be necessary to
connect any wires to the switches on
the shifter.




This example of the B&M Magnum
Grip Street Bandit Shifter operation
is for use with a three speed automatic
transmission utilizing a forward pattern
valve body only. A four speed gate
plate pattern is similar and is included
with this kit.
First Gear: (Starting with the shifter in
Park). To shift from Park to Low gear,
squeeze the trigger to allow the re-
lease of Park lock, then pull the stick
all the way back to Low.
Second Gear: To shift from Low to
Second, just push the stick forward,
this gate is accessible without having
to squeeze the trigger.
Third Gear: To shift from Second to
High gear, squeeze and hold the trigger
firmly, then push the stick forward until
it stops. Release the trigger and re-
move the pressure from the stick allow-
ing the spring loaded selector pin to
raise to the top of the gate opening.
Neutral: To shift from High gear to
Neutral, apply forward pressure to the
stick then squeeze the trigger to the
next gate.
Reverse: To shift from Neutral to Re-
verse squeeze the trigger then push
the stick forward to the next gate.

Park: To shift from Reverse to Park
squeeze the trigger then push the stick
forward until it stops (without forcing it
if used on Ford or Chrysler transmis-


Step 1. Remove the five countersunk
screws from the cover of the shifter and
remove the cover.
Step 2. Remove the gate plate, with-
out moving any of the internal mecha-
nism, by slightly squeezing on the
trigger and pulling the gate plate out.
If for any reason the internal shifter
mechanism becomes pulled off or
away from the shifter body, make
sure to check the spring loaded
detent lever at the front of the
mechanism. The best way to do this
is to move the stick all the way back
to the Low gear position. This will
clear both switch detents away from
the actuators. If they are aligned
improperly you can easily break
the switches. Apply light pressure
to the black shift pattern gate plate
while using needle nose pliers to
rotate the spring loaded detent le-
ver to the left. You will feel the
detent locate itself back into posi-
tion (See Photo #4).
Step 3. Install the gate plate in the
reverse order.
Step 4. Place the shifter in the Neutral
position and remove the shift pattern
sticker from the cover and clean the
glue from the sticker off the cover.
Step 5. Place the new shift pattern
sticker into place by aligning the Neu-
tral mark on the sticker to the black
trigger pin (See Photo #10).


See instructions on how to remove the
shifter cover and the gate plate. Loosen
(do not remove) the screws holding the
switches with a small flat screwdriver.
Move the switches to where the rollers
of the switches roll freely on the detent
plate and the shifter stick switch activa-
tor, then tighten the screws carefully.
Do not overtighten as the switch(es)may
crack (See Figure #6).

Figure #6


detent plate



shifter stick

switch activator

not shown