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Align the 17/64" cable flange hole with
the 9/32" hole in the shifter body. Be
sure to use the hole directly above the
large cable access hole (See Photo
#5). Install the 1/4" bolt from the out-
side of the shifter body through the
cable mounting flange until the bolt
sticks through to the inside of the
shifter body. Place the supplied 1/4"
washer over the exposed threads on
the inside, then thread on the 1/4" nut
and tighten (See Photo #5).
STEP 6. The smallest hole in the rear
of the shifter body is 13/64", it will serve
as the exit for the jacketed neutral
safety switch wires. Since this switch
is a breaker that keeps the starter from
engaging until the switch is closed in
Neutral or Park, the color of the wires
is not critical. It is only being used to
break the 12V wire from the starter
switch to the small wire on the starter
solenoid. If your wiring is different,
follow the instructions that pertain to
your specific wiring layout.
STEP 7. With needle nose pliers
gently plug the connectors onto the
neutral safety switch terminals. You
will see that the wires are designed to
fit the staggered terminals on the
switch. Be careful not to force the
connectors onto the switch terminals
or you will damage the switch. These
connectors should slide onto the switch
terminals with light pressure (See
Photo #6). Once the connectors are
firmly in place, feed the loose end of
the jacketed wires through the 13/64"
hole at the rear of the shifter body from
the inside to the outside. The wires are
now ready to be integrated into your
vehicle wiring harness.
STEP 8. Screw the air slave cylinder
into the mounting flange on the shifter
body and tighten the cylinder against
the flange. Install the jam nut onto the
exposed threads of the cylinder and
tighten the jam nut. Screw the black
rubber bumper onto the slave cylinder
shaft (use a drop of red LOCTITE ® on
these threads), (See Photo #7). There
are flats for a 1/4" wrench on the center
shaft. These are so you can hold it while
you tighten the rubber bumper with a
small pair of pliers. Do not hold the
center shaft anywhere else other than
where the designated flats are. It will
damage the shaft surface and will
cause the cylinder to stick and possi-
bly leak. With the shifter in the High gear
position, extend the rubber bumper/shaft
out of the cylinder by hand. There should
be approximately .060"-.065" clearance
between the end of the bumper and
the shifter stick. This clearance is
critical to insure that when the air
slave activates and shifts the shifter
into the High gear it does not slam
the stick into the stop on the gate
plate. If you need to adjust this to
obtain the proper clearance, loosen
the jam nut and back the air slave
cylinder out to the desired spacing
and retighten the jam nut.
STEP 9. At this stage the shifter
cable, the neutral safety switch and
the air slave cylinder should be in-
Photo #3
Photo #2
cable attachment pin