Street bandit shifter, Nstallation instructions

Printed in U.S.A.
The B&M Street Bandit Shifter is a
gate pattern type shifter mechanism. It
is available as a rear exit cable model
only and it is designed for most three
and four speed transmissions with
standard pattern valve bodies. The B&M
Street Bandit Shifter features a neutral
safety switch and a reverse light switch
as required for all street vehicles.
Please read the instructions and review
the illustrations thoroughly before
beginning the installation.
IMPORTANT: You must first install
the shifter cable onto the shifter before
positioning the shifter in your vehicle.
This is to insure that you allow for
proper clearance at rear of shifter be-
fore you permanently mount the shifter
body into the vehicle. Mounting the
shifter first without the cable attached
can cause possible interference from
interior components. Poor cable rout-
ing and cable binding will result in poor
shifter operation or cable damage.
STEP 1. Pull the shifter stick all the
way back to the Low gear position.
Remove the five countersunk screws
from the shifter cover and remove the
cover. Locate the cable attachment pin
at rear of shifter stick. The pin is visible
just under the black shift pattern gate
plate. Do not remove black gate plate
(See Photo #1).
IMPORTANT: The three speed gate
plate is assembled on the shifter mecha-
nism by the B&M assembly techni-
cians. If your transmission is a GM four
speed, now is a good time to install the
four speed gate plate. Please refer to
page 8 for gate plate change instruc-
STEP 2. Fully extend the stamped
loop end of the shifter cable and insert
it through the largest access hole in
the rear of the shifter body. Slip the
stamped loop cable end over the cable
attachment pin at the rear of the shifter
stick and attach the supplied e-clip to
the pin. Check to make sure you have
the e-clip firmly & accurately in the
locating groove in the pin (See Photo
STEP 3. Push the cable anchor tab
nstallation Instructions
Street Bandit Shifter
Part Number 80797
(see www.bmracing.com for the latest technical product information)
©2006, 2000 by B&M Racing and Performance Products
Photo #1
cable attachment pin
shift pattern
gate plate
shifter cover