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STEP 17. Screw the 10-32 jam nut all
the way onto the threaded cable end till
it stops. Then thread the #80323 quick
disconnect extension onto the 10-32
threaded cable end. Leave the jam nut
and the extension loose. Install the
male ball pin from the #80323 quick
disconnect onto the B&M Power glide
Pro Lever selector lever on transmis-
sion in the hole marked #2. The ball
end should point outward (See Photo
#9). Use the two jam nuts on the
threaded end so that one nut is on the
front side of the selector lever bracket
and one on the backside. This will
allow you to position the male ball pin
on the selector lever so that it does not
interfere with the transmission case,
the pan, the shield or the chassis (See
Figure #3).
STEP 18. Again, be sure that the
shifter and the transmission are both in
true Neutral. Use the 7/16" jam nuts at
the mid-plate to get the line up of the
male ball pin on the selector lever and
the female pocket of the quick discon-
nect coupler close, then snug them
against the mid-plate. Use the red 10-
32 cable extension to obtain the final
micro adjustment by slipping the fe-
male quick disconnect coupler over the
ball on the selector lever off and on.
Carefully check to make sure that the
lever is not being pulled forward or
backward (See Photo #10). As you
check each gear position, remove the
quick disconnect coupler from the se-
lector lever ball and shift the shifter and
the transmission separately. Carefully
slip the quick disconnect over the ball
at each gear position. This adjustment
technique will keep you from damaging
the cable should the adjustment be off
slightly. There may be some backlash
in the cable when you’re checking the
adjustment. This is normal. This comes
from the bending of the cable during
routing. The more bends, the more
backlash. Keep your bends to a mini-
mum for best performance. Do your
best to find the most neutral adjust-
ment. When finished, be sure to tighten
all the jam nuts thoroughly. If adjust-
ment does not seem accurate, be sure
that you have the male ball in the
proper #2 hole on the selector lever of
the transmission. If you are not using a
B&M Powerglide Pro Lever the proper

selector radius is 2" from the center of
the selector lever shaft.
Always start your adjustment pro-
cess with the shifter in Neutral and
the transmission in Neutral. (Do not
use Park to begin adjustment).



This example of the Pro Bandit’s
operation is for use with the Power-
glide transmissions utilizing a for-
ward pattern valve body only. The

gate plate is the same for a Power-
glide with a reverse pattern valve
body, the only change is that the
Low gear and High gear positions
switch. Other gate plate patterns
are available. The available pat-
terns and their respective part num-
bers are listed at the end of these
installation instructions.
From the Park position, squeeze the
trigger to allow the release of Park lock
and pull the stick back. The first detent
will be the Reverse position. The sec-
ond detent will be Neutral. The reverse

Photo #8

Photo #9