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Step 9. Install the B&M console plate on the shifter with
the wide end forward. Fasten it with the two #10 flat head
screws in the kit. Mount the indicator light socket on the
console plate using the other #10 self tapping screw. Con-
nect one wire from the socket to a shifter mounting bolt. If
your car had an indicator light on the shifter, cut the old
socket off and connect the wire to the new light socket.
Otherwise, run a length of wire from the instrument panel
light switch to the new light socket. Tape all connections
and splices to avoid shorts. Install the light bulb.
Note: The light socket may be installed on top of the con-
sole plate or underneath, depending on brightness desired.

Step 10. Position the console over the shifter and fasten
it to the instrument panel with the stock screws, finger
tight. The inner lip on the console should nest into the
shifter console plate on all four sides. If not, adjust the
console or the shifter. Replace the two or four screws in
the metal brackets under the glove box, and tighten all
console mounting screws. Replace the glove box with
the two stock screws.

Step 11. Snap the indicator window in place on the
chrome shifter cover (See Figure #6). The window snaps
in from the top with the tabs inserted under the cover.
Note: The windows supplied are the standard PRND21 or
PRND321 shift pattern. If you have a reverse pattern valve
body (PRN123 or PRN123D), the correct window, B&M
#80618 OR #80696
, is available from your dealer. Insert
the black boot into the lip of the chrome cover. Make sure
it is retained on all four sides. Slip the cover over the shifter
handle and fasten it to the console with the four #6 self-
tapping screws in the kit. Do not overtighten the screws
or you may crack the cover.

Step 12. With the B&M QuickSilver shifter in the Neu-
tral position, check the cable adjustment on the trans-
mission (See Figure #7). If you must raise the vehicle,
use jack stands, wheel ramps or a hoist and make sure
the vehicle is well supported. Remove the cable clip and
pull the cable eyelet off. The eyelet must slide off and on
the pin without binding. If not, adjust the cable pin by
loosening the nut and moving the cable pin until the eye-
let will slide on. Retighten the cable pin nut. Move the
shifter to the First Gear position. (Third Gear on reverse
pattern valve bodies.) Recheck the cable pin to eyelet
fit. Readjust if necessary, and check the Park position.
Install the cable clip.
Note: The stock linkage to the steering column must be
left intact or the neutral safety switch, backup light switch,
and column lock will not function.

Step 13. Lower the vehicle. Reconnect the battery ground
cable and set the parking brake. Start the engine and
check the shifter installation. The engine must start in
Park or Neutral only. The backup lights should work
in Reverse only.
Turn the lights on and check the indica-


Figure #5

Figure #6

Stock Cable Clips

Insert Tab Under Cover and
Snap in From Top

Indicator Window

Figure #7

Cable Pin Nut

Cable Clip

E-Clip(s) & Cross Pin
(remove for 4-speed)